Friday, March 20, 2009

The Introduction

So after countless attempts at message boards and other failed avenues I have decided to start a blog about nothing in particular. No, this will not be a Seinfeld episode in written form, this will be a place for me to rant and rave about anything that crosses my mind. I will attempt to make a new entry weekly, however, I am sure there will be times where I post daily, as there are plenty of morons out there for me to rant about. I am sure I will offend plenty of people with my writings and sadly, I don't care. I will not apologize for anything I may say in these pages because this is how I feel, not how I think you want me to feel. If you do not like what I have to say, my suggestions would be for you to go read something else. Either way though, feel free to comment on these pages. I will not delete any comments, though I probably will not respond to any comments either.
So without further adieu, allow me to present Rob's Rhetoric


  1. I am looking forward to the blog and interesting topics!

  2. I saw what you did and I know who you are. Relax, Rob, it's just me, Giles looking for stuff to include in your bio. :D
